Hardware Product Information
Edge-to-Edge Displays
Tactile-Button Displays
- PowerView® 780B
- PowerView® 780
- PowerView® 485
- PowerView® 450 / HelmView® 450
- PowerView® 380
- PowerView® 350
- PowerCore® Series Video Guides
- PowerCore® TEC-10 for Engine Controls
- PowerCore® MPC-20 for Engine Controls
- PowerCore® MPC-10 for Engine Controls
- Cascade CD101 for Engine Controls
- Keystart 9620 Series for Engine Controls
Panel Systems & Accessories
- Ready to Run Panels for Electronic Engines
- ML2000 Panel for Engine Controls
- ML1000-4X Panel for Engine Controls
- PowerCore® TEC-10 Panel for Engine Controls
- MLC380 Panels for Electronic and Mechanical Engines
- MGC1000 Generator Control Panel
CAN I/O Modules
Zero Off GPS Speed Control
Hydraulic Controls
Battery Chargers
- 20BPG / 20BVG / 20BTG B-Series Murphygauge®
- 20DP / 25DP / A20DP / A25DP Swichgage®
- 20P / 25P Series (Mechanical Pressure Gauges)
- 20T / 25T (Mechanical Temperature Gauges)
- 20V / 25V / A20V / A25V (Mechanical Pressure Gauges)
- 45APE Series (Mechanical Pressure Gauges)
Level Devices
- ESPS & ESTS Series (Pressure and Temperature Sender/Switch)
- 20.SS Series shockswitch
- PXT-K Series Pressure Transmitters
- TC, RTD and RTDT Series (Temperature Sensors & Instruments)
- MP Series Magnetic Pickups (Speed / Time Sensors & Instruments)
- Thermocouple (Temperature Sensors & Instruments)
Electro/Mechanical Controllers
Switches & Annunciators
- Tattletale® Annunciators and Magnetic Switches
- PSB - Direct Mount Pressure Switch
- TSB - Direct Mount Temperature Switch
- Time Switches (Models 5T, 15T, 12T and 24T)
- VS2 Series Shock and Vibration Switch
- VS94 Shock and Vibration Control Switch
Application Notes and Technical Documentation
Archived Product Information
- 1400 Selectronic Annunciator
- 1500 Selectronic Micro-Controller
- 20VWC / 25VWC / A25VWC
- 3ST Three Point Speed Relay
- 45 Series Dial Pressure Swichgage®
- 45HE 4.5 in. Dial Size Hall Effect Swichgage