Downloading the Firmware
- From OpenPV® Pluggins, download the S-Line Firmware
- The firmware zip file will be located here: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\AhsokaData\1.0\Firmware
- Copy the zip file to an accessible location from the Mac OS
- Unzip the firmware
- We'll refer to this location as [FIRMWARE_DIRECTORY]
- Examine the firmware contents
- Take note of the .tsv file which we will refer to as [TSV_FILE]
Installing the STM Flash Tool
- Download STM32CubeProgrammer for Mac from the following website:
- Unzip the download
- Install STM32CubeProgrammer
- It may be necessary to launch the executable directly by:
- Right clicking and selecting Show Package Contents
- Opening Contents > MacOs > SetupSTM32CubeProgrammer-2_14_0_macos
Finding the CLI
- Navigate to the installation
- Default location:
- /Applications/STMicroelectronics/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer/
- Right click on the application and select Show Package Contents
- Navigate to Contents/MacOs/bin/STM32_Programmer_CLI
- This is the executable we will use to flash the OpenView unit
- Take note of the full path to this program, we'll refer to this as [STM32_Programmer_CLI]
- For convenience, you may wish to make an alias for this program on your terminal
Flashing the Display
- Put the OpenView unit in DFU mode using a magnet
- Connect to the OpenView unit via USB
- Open a terminal session
- Navigate to [FIRMWARE_DIRECTORY] in the terminal
- You could also just type the full path to everything, there's nothing special about being in the directory
- Execute the following in the terminal window:
- [STM32_Programmer_CLI] -c port=usb1 -w [TSV_FILE]
- The terminal should indicate the install has begun and post updates about the installation process
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