Overview: Once an .opv file has been Generated in OpenPV® Toolkit, it can be manually loaded onto other displays without needing to open the project first. Before beginning this process:
Select the Display:
Click the Display button in the OpenPV® Main Toolbar. (1)
Verify the correct target display connection is selected. (2)
Verify the Installer is running on the display. (3)
Click the Load Application button. (4)
Choose the Application File to Load:
In the Pick Application File box that opened, navigate to the folder containing the .opv file.
Click on the desired file. (1)
Make sure the File name box populated with the name. (2)
Click Open to begin the installation. (3)
Loading an OPV file from USB Flash Drive
Format the USB Flash drive as a FAT32 file system, exFAT will not be recognized.
Copy the OPV file to the FLASH drive and plug it into the display.
From the installer screen follow the prompts to start the download.
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