Overview: This Guide demonstrates the process of loading a display with the Storyboard (SBIO) Demo Project using a Windows Development Computer running Visual Studio 2022 and Crank Storyboard. Although the graphics are designed for an S-50 display, it can be loaded onto a larger display.
The process consists of the following sets of actions:
Before beginning this process:
Verify Connection to Installer:
➤ Verify the target display is connected.
The OpenPV® Toolkit should show a live connection to Ahsoka.Installer.UI in the bottom bar.
If an app other than Ahsoka.Installer.UI is shown, press the square icon (Stop Application) on the right side of the bottom bar to exit the current app and return to the Installer.
Open the Ahsoka Demo SBIO project:
➤ Click New in the main toolbar. (1)
➤ Select Ahsoka Storyboard Demo. (2)
➤ Click Next. (3)
In the Configure Project window that opens:
➤ Name the project. (1)
➤ Click Choose Path. (2)
➤ Use the file manager window that opens to create/select the parent folder for the new project. (3)
➤ Click Create. (4)
The Package Options screen will appear in OpenPV®, and a file explorer window will also open to allow a quick way to bring the project into Visual Studio.
➤ BEFORE opening the .csproj file in Visual Studio, please Configure and Save the OpenPV® Storyboard Setup.
Configure and Save the development computer's Storyboard Setup:
This section is not needed if a non-Storyboard project is being loaded.
➤ Click the Storyboard Setup tab. (1)
Click the Install Folder Choose Path button and navigate to the directory storyboard was installed to. (2)
➤ Click the pull-down for Storyboard Version and choose the installed Storyboard version desired. (3)
When loading an existing project, the defaults should be accepted for Storyboard Project, App Name, and Export Folder.
➤ Click the Save button in the main toolbar. (4)
Saving will update the projects Storyboard.Build.targets file, which is required for both generation of the project in OpenPV® and building the project in Visual Studio.
Once the location of the required Storyboard installation files has been saved in the Storyboard.Build.targets file, the project's C# code can be opened in Visual Studio if desired. To do so, double-click on the .csproj file in the project directory.
Optional - Set the Package Options:
Other than making sure the correct Target Platform is selected, the default selections can typically be used. When changes are needed, the fields of the Package Options screen are as follows:
- Package Name – This field should typically be the name of the system the display will be installed on, such as the vehicle name. It will be the name of the .opv file generated and is used as an identifier for Over the Air features.
- Package Description – More detailed description of the application.
- Target Platform – The model of the display. Used to enable features and configurations specific to that display type.
- Application Type – The first supported runtime is Dotnet.
- User Interface Type – This demo utilizes a Storyboard UI. Other choices are Qt if using Qt for developing UI, or None if developing a fully custom UI.
- Project (App ID) – Used with OTA.
- Application Version – The version number desired for this package generation.
- Application Output – This directory must point to where the binaries created during the publish process in Visual Studio are located. The package generation process will pull the binaries from this location and package them into the generated .opv file.
- Package Output – The directory where the OpenPV® generated output will be placed. Any location can be used.
- Execute Command – The name of the executable which was created by the publishing process. This name will be used by the start script which starts the application on the target at boot.
- Startup Logo – The path to the desired boot logo displayed between power on and application start. This image will persist if not replaced. This is most often noticeable when an application designed for an S50 screen is loaded on a larger S70.
Generate Package and Load to Display:
➤ Click the Generate Package button.
After generation completes, click Console in the main toolbar to open the log. Scroll to the bottom and verify that package components have plausible sizes and Package Creation shows completed.
If desired, click the copy button just below the main toolbar to place a copy of the log on the clipboard.
Close the Console window and return to the project screen behind it by clicking the X button.
➤ Click the Load To Display button.
Upon completion, the target will automatically reboot and start the application.
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