Codesys Examples for uControl
These sample projects are provided for reference purposes only to demonstrate how to implement features specific to the uControl family of mobile controllers and commonly used functions.
Codesys Example: Dynamically Changing the IO configuration - Controlling and Monitoring a MC4 from a Powerview Display
- General Tips on Interfacing with uControl in Codesys
- Debugging Tips
- Codesys Example: Blink User LED
- Codesys Example: Declaring Retain Variables
- Codesys Example: Inputs - Digital
- Codesys Example: Inputs - 0 to 5V Analog
- Codesys Example: Inputs - Frequency
- Codesys Example: IX3212 PDM Library
- Codesys Example: J1939 CAN Messages
- Codesys Example: J1939 DM1 Diagnostic Messages
- Codeys Example: J1939 DM1 Lamp Status
- Codesys Example: Low Level 11 Bit and 29 Bit CAN Messages
- Codesy Example: Outputs - Low Side PWM
- Codesys Example: Outputs - High Side PWM
- Codesys Example: Outputs - High Side Current Control
- Codesys Example: Outputs - H-Bridge, PWM Mode
- Codesys Example: Persist Variables
- Codesy Example: Sleep Mode