This example demonstrates how to establish communications between a Powerview Display and a uControl Controller over CAN using J1939 protocol for control and monitoring.
The first step is to group like variables together then assign them to custom PGNs that are manufacturer assignable per the J1939 protocol. In this example we are using PGN's 65350 through 65345.
Next in Powervision setup these message in the J1939 library then assign them to devices in the Connections Tab. This article will describe that process.
Create the desired functionality to display the CAN values and control the outputs using calculation events or any other programming methodology available in Powervision. The notes section in the configuration provides additional detail on how this was implemented in the example.
In Codesys create the same variables in a J1939 device, the J1939 Example will provide additional information on setting up J1939 devices. Since this example is not driving any functionality and there is no logic behind it the data is simply passed from the device descriptor I/O variables to the CAN variables or vice versa. A small amount of logic was added to ignore invalid values on the output control. Additional information can be found in the code notes.
Download the Display Configuration for a PV780B Written in Version 4.797
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