Powervision provides a Day and a Night operating mode each with their own backlight settings and color schemes. The color scheme is inherent in the graphical widgets used in the page designer. There is typically a day color and a night color for the various elements that comprise the widget. This is designed so a display can instantly change to a color scheme appropriate for the ambient light conditions. For example when operating a display at night to preserve the operators night vision the display backlight should be dim and the colors should be blacks and darker shades of greens and or reds. The colors you choose will allow a certain amount of the white backlight to pass through, for night mode choose colors that have low RGB values, especially Blue values.
Download the Example created in 2.9.23044 for a PV780B.
Switching Day/Night Modes
Use a calculation event tied to a menu button or connected to the status of a digital input to change the value of the system variable Day/Night betwee 1 and 2. See Enumeration tab.
Backlight Dimming
There are separate dimming variables for day mode and night mode, these are Brightness.Day and Brightness.Night . Values are in units of percent. Set these dimming values independent of each other. Night mode works bets with low dimming values around 20-30%. After changing values the variables must be stored in non-volatile memory using the NVMgr->Save action. Verify the variables Save Values property is set to "Survives Power Cycle". After making changes call the action System->UpdateBacklight to pass the new variable value down to the driver.
Day/Night Mode Color Selection
Set the desired colors for each widget for day and night modes. Run through the entire list of widget properties with "Show Advanced" selected to verify they are all set. Keep the color scheme consistent.
Simulating Day/Night Mode
To verify the colors have all been properly set, select the sun icon at the bottom of the window to toggle between day and night modes. The widget colors will change to the mode selected.
Blackout Mode
To prevent the screen from dimming all the way off and the operator not being able to recover, the lowest actual dimming value is limited between 5-10% even though the variable is set to 0%. To allow full blackout the variable BlackoutMode.Enabled must be set to "1". To power up in backlight "off" mode enable this variable and save it to non-volatile memory and set the dimming level to 0%. This is sometimes needed where night vision goggles are used. Use care when implementing this feature to provide a simple way to restore the backlight.
Backlight On/Off Actions
These two System Manager Application actions allow you to turn the backlight completely off and back on. They do not survive a power cycle and the backlight will default to the on condition.
Color Selection Tip
The higher the RGB value the more backlight will pass through, for example white has a RGB value of 255,255,255 whereas black has values of 0,0,0 (no light). To see the RGB value of a color select the desired color from the standard list then switch to the Color Selector tab, the RGB values will be displayed. This allows you to quickly determine how bright a color will be for day or night use.
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