The PV350/380 displays as well as the Powercore controllers do not have gage smoothing as part of their gage attributes so to achieve smoothing the data must be averaged first before it is passed to the gage.
This example demonstrates several techniques to average data.
The amount of averaging that is required is subjective and depends on the stability of the data source and how quickly the data needs to be updated based on the real world parameter that is being measured. For example ambient temperature changes very slowly so the gage update rate can be very slow in the range of several seconds or more with just some minor averaging. Engine RPM on the other hand requires the gage to update quicker in the 500mSec range so the user can see a response to a throttle input. However to smooth out the least significant digits to keep them from jumping around a long running average is needed. As another option not included in this example the RPM can be rounded off to the nearest tens digit and the ones digit always be kept at "0".
This example is for a PV380-R2 and was built in version 2.8.10599
Example - Gage Smoothing on a PV380
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