Before attempting to use the Real Time Clock (RTC) in Powervision verify that your display has the RTC hardware. This can be found in the specifications list for the display.
The RTC is easy to use, here is a quick summary.
To Display Time and Date - Create a Text Gage on the screen and link it to the desired variable. Hours are given in military time 0 - 24Hrs all other units correspond with the variable name.
To Change Time and Date - do the following in order:
- Copy ALL of the variables into the corresponding variables using a calculation event. These are located in the System Manager folder. If this step is omitted the RTC values will not be saved after a power cycle.
- Change the variables to the desired time/date using calculation events to increase/decrease the values.
- Call the action "Update Clock" found in the System Manager application list to save the new values.
PV480 Example: This example demonstrates how to implement the RTC as well as how to use Page Views to navigate through a system settings menu. This was created in version 2.9.23044.
Example - Real Time Clock PV480
PV1100 Example: In this example you can experiment with what happens when you do not initialize the .Set variables first before setting the clock (new values will not be saved). This was created in version 2.9.23044
Example - Real Time Clock PV1100
What hardware model numbers all, OEM?
This is for all standard hardware models of the PV1100 (78700636, 78700654)
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