If your Docker QT container does not run but closes in just a few seconds then try the following:
Verify WSL2 is running
From a command prompt run: wsl -l -v
The Ubuntu or WSL version should be version 2 not version 1, this is often a problem on Windows 10.
Verify Ubuntu version is 22.04.2 or later
From a command line start WSL and the version of Ubuntu will be reported or see previous command.
Install xhosts
From the Ubuntu command line run Xhost + and follow the prompts if its not already installed.
Launch QT from the OpenPV plugin List
Setup Environment Variables:
Run the following from a Ubuntu command line:
docker run -it --privileged -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v /home/`id -nu`:/home/`id -nu` -v /mnt/wsl/docker-desktop-bind-mounts/Ubuntu-22.04/9f9b0fc8fcd3087b3feb2b653bc440710de9843dccec6b54d590ab45ebf0181a:/projects -e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY $PULSE_SERVER_TCP_ENV --name Ahsoka.QTCreator.20 openpv/openview_qt_creator_2_0 ./entrypoint.sh
This will install all the necessary components if not already installed, note this applies to OpenPV Version 2.x.
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