Download & Install ACE
Click this link to download the free ACE configuration software. Once it's downloaded, follow the on-screen prompts to complete the installation (Note: You may need administrator access on your PC to complete installation). The ACE software is provided for free, but you will be prompted to register your copy when you open it.
Learning ACE
ACE is very intuitive to learn. Our Walkthrough Tutorial is an excellent place to begin followed by any of the Topic Tutorials of interest.
Getting Started
- Launch ACE and start a new project.
- Double click on the Controller block and select the desired model.
- Drag and drop Green Blocks (Inputs Devices) onto the workspace and connect them to the Controller Block.
- Connect the Teal Blocks (Outputs) to the Green Blocks to drive a valve based on the input position.
- Connect the Olive Blocks (Actuators) to the Teal Blocks to indicate the type of hydraulic mechanism is being driven.
- Double Click on each block to edit its parameters.
- Select Generate to compile the code
- Select Push to program the controller
Using the ACE Development Environment
- Workspace - This is the open area of the screen where the application is created
- Toolbar - Icons at the top of the screen include all the standard file management and hardware programming features.
- Toolbox - Contains all of the functional blocks used to create your application
- On-Screen Help - Hover over any tool bar Icon or ? icon to get a pop-up description of that item
- Notification Area - Notifications will pop-up on the top right side of the screen with alerts, read these then close them when done.
- Zoom/Pan/Move/Edit - Use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom in/out, left click on blank workspace and drag to pan, left click on object and drag to move, double click on object to edit.
- Catalog - Define your components in the catalog to reuse in the project and auto-fill all the settings including wiring information. The catalog is accessed from the editor window for each component placed in the project.
- Wiring List - Fill out all wiring information as you add components then generate a wiring list for the project once complete. A PDF can be printed and used to wire the system.
- Programming the Hardware - Use the Generate and Push icons to create the code and download it to the hardware. See programming quick start articles for more details.
- Live Tuning - Once hardware is programmed use the Connect icon to make tuning changes on the fly while the equipment is running.
- Color Coded Blocks - Function blocks are color coded, Green = All analog, digital, & CAN Input types, Logic Blocks & Display, Red = Special Functions, Teal = Outputs, Olive = Actuators
- Block Anchor Points - All Green blocks are anchored to the Controller in sequential order and are the starting point for logic workflow. Only a green block can be attached to the Controller anchor.
- Block Connectors - each block has one or two puzzle piece connectors designed to mate with a block with same number of connectors. Single connector blocks can be connected t a two connector block so long as all positions are accounted for.
- Logic Workflow - Begins with a green block anchored to the Controller and builds out to the right. Each line represents a logic flow connection between an input, optional logic functionality, an output (valve/pump) and then an actuator. Place holder prompts are given to show what type of block is expected.
- Naming - Name all the blocks with a descriptive term that makes sense, these are used to create its variable name and when the wiring list is generated.
- Hardware Inputs - Human Inputs, CAN Devices, and Sensors in the toolbox represent a physical device that will connect to the controller. Each one is assigned a wired connection to the controller and has configuration settings that can be edited.
- Hardware Outputs - The Outputs group in the tool box represent a physical device (valves & other) that will be driven by the controller. Each one is assigned a wiring connection and has configuration settings that can be edited.
- Input/Output Variables - When a input or output is added to the project a variable is created with the name of the block. These variables can be used by logic blocks or displays.
- Internal Variables - to create internal variables for use by other functions use the Calculated Value block.
- Logic Blocks - Logical expressions can be created to operate on any of the input, output, and internal variables.