OpenPV® 3.7.18 for Windows |
OpenPV® 2.10.9 for Windows | |
OpenPV® 2.10.9 for Ubuntu | |
OPenPV® 2.10.9 for MacOS |
Update to the latest version by selecting UPDATES !
When Updating a project From 1.2xx to 2.xx the Following Changes are Required
1. Remove the Ahsoka.CommandLine nuget package, it is no longer needed and will generate a incorrect CLI. Right click on it and select delete option.
2. Open the project file and add the following line of code in the <Property Group> starting around line 16.
3. Modify Directory.Build.Targets as follows:
Remove the items in red:
<Target Condition="'$(CanGenerateClassesOnBuild)'=='True' and $([MSBuild]::IsOSPlatform('Windows')) and exists('$(AhsokaCommandLinePath).exe')"
Add the items in green:
<Exec ContinueOnError="false" WorkingDirectory="."
Replace "CanCalibrationFile" with text in blue
Command='"$(AhsokaCommandLinePath)" --GenerateCANClasses "$(PackageInfoPath)" "$(CanClassOutputFile)" "$(CanClassNameSpace)" "$(CanClassBase)" Dotnet'
4. If using StoryBoard remove the following condition checks shown in red from the Storyboard.Build.targets file
<Target Condition="'$(StoryboardGenerateClassesOnBuild)'=='True' and $([MSBuild]::IsOSPlatform('Windows')) and exists('$(AhsokaCommandLinePath).exe')" Label="ExportStoryboardClasses" Name="ExportStoryboardClasses" BeforeTargets="BeforeCompile">
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