Now we are going to create gauges to monitor Engine Oil Pressure, Engine Coolant Temperature and Battery Voltage. The gauges look the same from a design perspective so we can use a Smart Rotary Gauge and a Smart Image Widget to create all three gauges.
Click and drag a Smart Rotary Gauge onto your screen
Name this gauge: SRG Oil Pressure
Group: Oil Pressure
Don’t worry about changing any of the properties at this point, we need to input our criteria for each gauge first. In the properties bar, under the Advanced Features section:
Select Edit Smart Data
The Smart Data Editor window will appear.
Check the box that says Auto Create (this creates a variable within the configuration that the system can call upon)
Click the + sign and select Engine Oil Pressure
Click OK
Click the + sign and select Engine Coolant Temperature
Click OK
Click the + sign and select Battery Voltage
Click OK
Change the properties to match our criteria (ref. Section 2.1)
Once you have changed all the properties, Click OK
Now it’s time to use the properties bar to edit the gauge properties.
Using Supplemental 2.8.1 change the SRG Oil Pressure Properties
(Supplemental 2.8.1)
Edit your Warning Zones to indicate the safe operating range
Now, let’s use a Smart Image Widget to create icons for each of our gauges.
Click and drag a Smart Image Widget onto your screen
Name this widget: SIW Oil Pressure
Group: Oil Pressure
In the properties bar
Select Edit Smart Data
The Smart Data Editor window will appear.
Choose Selector Variable: DataSelector_SRG
Click the + sign
For the Day Image, select the white Oil Pressure icon from the Image Library
Click OK
Create a black Oil Pressure icon and use this for the Night Image
Click OK
Repeat these steps to add Engine Coolant Temperature and Battery Voltage icons
In the properties bar of SIW Oil Pressure set the X & Y position values:
- X Position: 30
- Y Position: 369
Now we are going to duplicate the SRG Oil Pressure and the SIW Oil Pressure to create gauges for Coolant Temperature and Battery Voltage.
Coolant Temperature
Select the SRG Oil Pressure gauge
Copy and Paste it onto your screen
Rename this new gauge: SRG Coolant Temp
Create group: Coolant
Change the X & Y position values:
- X Position: -64
- Y Position: 70
Select the SIW Oil Pressure widget
Copy and Paste it onto your screen
Rename this new widget: SIW Coolant Temp
Create group: Coolant
Change the X & Y position values:
- X Position: 33
- Y Position: 133
Battery Voltage
Select the SRG Oil Pressure gauge
Copy and Paste it onto your screen
Rename this new gauge: SRG Battery Voltage
Create group: Battery
Change the X & Y position values:
- X Position: 717
- Y Position: 70
Change the Tick Mark Angle values:
- Angle - Start: 90
- Angle - End: 270
Edit your Warning Zones
Select the SIW Oil Pressure widget
Copy and Paste it onto your screen
Rename this new widget: SIW Battery Voltage
Create group: Battery
Change the X & Y position values:
- X Position: 738
- Y Position: 132
Now we need to edit the Smart Data Items for the Smart Rotary Gauges and Smart Image Widgets we just created to ensure that each gauge and icon is tied to the appropriate variable.
The SRG Oil Pressure gauge and SIW Oil Pressure widget are already set. All we need to do is change Selector Variable values for our Coolant Temp and Battery Voltage smart gauges and widgets.
Coolant Temperature
Select the SRG Coolant Temp gauge
Click Edit Smart Data
Click on the number 1 under the Selector column for Coolant Temperature and change the value to 0
Click on the number 0 under the Selector column for Oil Pressure and change the value to 1
Click OK
Select the SIW Coolant Temp widget
Click Edit Smart Data
Click on the number 1 under the Selector column for the Coolant Temperature icon and change the value to 0
Click on the number 0 under the Selector column for the Oil Pressure icon and change the value to 1
Click OK
Battery Voltage
Select the SRG Battery Voltage gauge
Click Edit Smart Data Click on the number 2 under the Selector column for Battery Voltage and change the value to 0
Click on the number 0 under the Selector column for Oil Pressure and change the value to 2
Click OK
Select the SIW Battery Voltage widget
Click Edit Smart Data
Click on the number 2 under the Selector column for the Battery Voltage icon and change the value to 0
Click on the number 0 under the Selector column for the Oil Pressure icon and change the value to 2
Click OK
Toggle Day / Night
Go the the Programming Tab and click on the search icon (magnifying glass) next to Programming Items on the left side of the screen.
Enter Day/Night into the search field
Under the System Manager folder, click on Day/Night in the list
In the Calculation Events tab, click the + on the right hand side of the screen
The Edit Expression window will appear.
In the Name field enter: CE Toggle Day/Night
Enter in the expression as follows and click OK
This creates a Calculation Event called Toggle Day/Night that we use to change the viewing mode.
Toggle Sim Data
Go the the Programming Tab and click on the search icon (magnifying glass) next to Programming Items on the left side of the screen.
Enter: Sim into the search field
Under the Data Simulation folder click on SettingSimData in the list
In the Calculation Events tab, click the + on the right hand side of the screen
The Edit Expression window will appear.
In the Name field enter: CE Toggle SimData
Enter in the expression as follows and click OK
This creates a Calculation Event called Toggle SimData that we use to simulate live data.