In the same configuration we have been working in, PowerVision Essentials Training
Click on the Connections Tab
Under the Module Setup pane, Select Battery Voltage 1
Click the Auto Create box
By clicking auto create, you are creating a variable within PowerVision for Battery Voltage 1. It should have generated a variable name similar to: IO.Battery Voltage 1 and is located in the Input Output Port Manager folder in the Programming Tab.
Now let’s create a Text Gauge to test the Battery Voltage Input.
Click on the Page Designer Tab
Select the I/O Animations page
From the Toolbox, drag a Text Gauge onto the design canvas
Name this Text Gauge: TG Battery Voltage
In the Text Gauge Properties pane, assign it to the variable you created for the Battery Voltage 1 Input above (i.e. IO.Battery Voltage 1)
Using Supplemental 4.5.1, change the Text Gauge Properties
Supplemental 4.5.1
Create and Load your configuration to test.
When accessing the I/O Animations page from the display:
• the TG Battery Voltage gauge will show the voltage coming into the display
Now that we have everything placed on the design canvas where we want it, select the IO folder. It should highlight everything that is in that folder.
In the Multiple Gauge Properties pane:
Change Designer Locked to: True
Now everything in the IO folder is locked onto the design canvas.