In the same configuration we have been working in, PowerVision Essentials Training
Click on the Connections Tab
Under the Module Setup pane, Select Analog Input 1
Click the Auto Create box
By clicking auto create, you are creating a variable within PowerVision for Analog Input 1. It should have generated a variable name similar to: IO.Analog Input 1.Selector and is located in the Input Output Port Manager folder in the Programming Tab.
Now that we have created a variable for Analog Input 1, we need to create a definition for this Input.
Click on the Library Tab
Now click on the IO Definitions Tab
In the IO Definitions pane, click the +
For the Variable Name select, IO.Analog Input 1.Selector (This is the variable we created from the previous steps)
For Operation Mode select, Analog In: Resistive 400 ohms pull-up
For Sample Count: 1
For Sample Rate: 200
For Selected Curve: (No Curve)
Next, we need to go back to the Connections Tab and assign this definition to Analog Input 1.
Click on the Connections Tab
Select Analog Input 1
Click on Add Definition, the IO Library window will appear
Check the box for Analog Input 1 (This is the name of the IO Definition we created in the previous steps)
Click OK
Let’s create a Text Gauge and use the POT Switch on the display stand to test the Analog Input.
Click on the Page Designer Tab
Select the I/O Animations page
From the Toolbox, drag a Text Gauge onto the design canvas
Name this Text Gauge: TG Analog In 1
In the Text Gauge Properties pane, assign it to the variable you created for the Analog Input 1 above (i.e. IO.Analog Input 1.Selector)
Using Supplemental 4.4.1, change the Text Gauge Properties
Create and Load your configuration to test.
When you turn the POT switch you should see:
• the TG Analog In 1 gauge display the input values
Supplemental 4.4.1